4 Tips to Keep Your Bread from Getting Moldy

Always buy your bread freshly-baked at the Best Bakery in Vancouver such as The Valley Bakery. That way, you know that it hasn’t been sitting on the shelves for days and you can still get the most out of it when you take it home. But after buying the bread from the best bakery in Vancouver, you should know how to store it properly to prevent it from getting moldy. Check out these tips: 

1. Keep your bread away from moisture and sunlight

These are the primary culprits to molds formation in bread. You should store your bread in a place where it won’t be exposed to direct sunlight. A cool and dry place is the best choice to prevent the bread from getting too moist. 

2. Use a bread keeper

Using a bread keeper is one of the best ways to keep bread fresh. These are designed to keep excess moisture out so that the bread you got from the Best Bakery in Vancouver can last for a long time. 

3. Seal it once you have opened it

You can transfer the bread in an airtight container if you don’t have a bread keeper. You can even vacuum-seal it to get rid of excess air. 

4. Freeze it

Try freezing the bread if you have a lot of it left. You can use a microwave oven to thaw it out and soften it again. That will even preserve its freshness. 

Now make sure you do these things. You will surely keep your bread fresh and mold-free for a long time with these tips.

For more details about Wedding cakes in Vancouver please visit our website: valleybakery.com


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